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Validating qualifications


Expert’s advice about the recognition of foreign qualifications

Do you have a

  • school leaving certificate
  • vocational/ professional education
  • study degree (from university)

from abroad?

Do you want to work or study in Germany?

Having your foreign qualifications/ degrees recognized improves your chances of finding a job or starting studies in Germany.

On several days there will be experts in the Welcome Center in VS-Villingen, that will give you advice on this.

They will assist you in the recognition process and help finding the office that is responsible for your case

Please set an appointment with Mr. Wolf for a consultation.

E-Mail:, Phone:  0761 / 88 14 45 04

Leaflet for download



Foreign educational qualifications

Secondary education qualifications -> Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Contact: Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle
Tel.: 0711 904-17170
Informationen hier

University degrees ->  Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
in Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 279-3147  oder -3016,
Informationen hier

Tip: Only validate your most recent/highest qualification.


Foreign professional qualifications

  • For industry, commerce, gastronomy and the service sector -> IHK FOSA
    Contact: Ms. Ramona Shedrach, IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
    Romäusring 4, 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen
    Tel.: 07721 922-239, Email:
  • For skilled trades -> Handwerkskammer Konstanz
    Contact: Ms. Miriam Braun, Bildung und Ausbildungsberatung
    Webersteig 3, 78462 Konstanz
    Tel.: 07531 205-345
  • The relevant authorities for other professions can be found here:  under “Assessment authorities/Who does what?”

Advice about validating qualifications

  • Liga Erstanlaufstelle und Kompetenzzentrum in Freiburg
    Advice on validating professional qualifications
    Tel.: 0761/881445 00
  • Netzwerk „Integration durch Qualifizierung (IQ)“ Baden-Württemberg
    For Spanisch people also in Spanish
    Advice on validating foreign degrees and professional qualifications
    Contact: AEF Projekt ¡Bienvenid@s! – Willkommen in Baden-Württemberg!
    Tel.: 07833 9899001

Financial assistance for the validation of professional qualifications:

  • Ask your Employment Federal Agency or your local Job Center
  • If you don’t get any financial help of the Employment Agency or Job Center than you can apply for a recognition grant. More information you find here

Interpreter and translator

  • Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer
    Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.
    Akademiestraße 48
    78133 Karlsruhe
    Tel.: 0721-9211430

No guarantee can be given that the above information is up to date, correct or complete.



Become a supporter

Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion

Find information and become a supporter here.

List of actual supporter (PDF)




Funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg.


Become a supporter

Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion

Find information and become a supporter here.

List of actual supporter (PDF)




Validating qualifications


Expert’s advice about the recognition of foreign qualifications

Do you have a

  • school leaving certificate
  • vocational/ professional education
  • study degree (from university)

from abroad?

Do you want to work or study in Germany?

Having your foreign qualifications/ degrees recognized improves your chances of finding a job or starting studies in Germany.

On several days there will be experts in the Welcome Center in VS-Villingen, that will give you advice on this.

They will assist you in the recognition process and help finding the office that is responsible for your case

Please set an appointment with Mr. Wolf for a consultation.

E-Mail:, Phone:  0761 / 88 14 45 04

Leaflet for download



Foreign educational qualifications

Secondary education qualifications -> Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Contact: Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle
Tel.: 0711 904-17170
Informationen hier

University degrees ->  Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
in Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 279-3147  oder -3016,
Informationen hier

Tip: Only validate your most recent/highest qualification.


Foreign professional qualifications

  • For industry, commerce, gastronomy and the service sector -> IHK FOSA
    Contact: Ms. Ramona Shedrach, IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
    Romäusring 4, 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen
    Tel.: 07721 922-239, Email:
  • For skilled trades -> Handwerkskammer Konstanz
    Contact: Ms. Miriam Braun, Bildung und Ausbildungsberatung
    Webersteig 3, 78462 Konstanz
    Tel.: 07531 205-345
  • The relevant authorities for other professions can be found here:  under “Assessment authorities/Who does what?”

Advice about validating qualifications

  • Liga Erstanlaufstelle und Kompetenzzentrum in Freiburg
    Advice on validating professional qualifications
    Tel.: 0761/881445 00
  • Netzwerk „Integration durch Qualifizierung (IQ)“ Baden-Württemberg
    For Spanisch people also in Spanish
    Advice on validating foreign degrees and professional qualifications
    Contact: AEF Projekt ¡Bienvenid@s! – Willkommen in Baden-Württemberg!
    Tel.: 07833 9899001

Financial assistance for the validation of professional qualifications:

  • Ask your Employment Federal Agency or your local Job Center
  • If you don’t get any financial help of the Employment Agency or Job Center than you can apply for a recognition grant. More information you find here

Interpreter and translator

  • Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer
    Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.
    Akademiestraße 48
    78133 Karlsruhe
    Tel.: 0721-9211430

No guarantee can be given that the above information is up to date, correct or complete.



Become a supporter

Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion

Find information and become a supporter here.

List of actual supporter (PDF)




Funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg.