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How to apply for a job


Here you can find advice on making correct, successful job applications.

Written applications:

A full job application should include:

  • An application portfolio (use a firm folder for your application documents)
  • A cover sheet
  • A letter of application
  • A CV (résumé)
  • A photograph
  • References (copies)

You can find useful links describing how to put together an application portfolio and what information you should give in the application letter and CV here:

Online applications:

You need the same documents for an online application as for a written application.

Additional hints for online applications:

  • Write a short application in the email text.
  • Scan all documents (e.g. application letter, photo, CV, cover sheet, references)
  • Send the documents as an attachment file (e.g. PDF)

General advice:

  • Your application letter should not contain any grammatical or spelling mistakes.
  • The application letter should fit on one page.
  • If you give a mobile phone number, it should always be possible to reach you on that number.
  • You should give a serious email address, no made-up names (e.g.
  • Your application photo should not be more than 6 months old and should be taken by a professional photographer.
  • Always send your application to a specific person (not to “Dear Sir or Madam”).

Contacts for checking and helping with job application portfolios:

No guarantee can be given that the above information is complete.




Become a supporter

Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion

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List of actual supporter (PDF)




Funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg.


Become a supporter

Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion

Find information and become a supporter here.

List of actual supporter (PDF)




How to apply for a job


Here you can find advice on making correct, successful job applications.

Written applications:

A full job application should include:

  • An application portfolio (use a firm folder for your application documents)
  • A cover sheet
  • A letter of application
  • A CV (résumé)
  • A photograph
  • References (copies)

You can find useful links describing how to put together an application portfolio and what information you should give in the application letter and CV here:

Online applications:

You need the same documents for an online application as for a written application.

Additional hints for online applications:

  • Write a short application in the email text.
  • Scan all documents (e.g. application letter, photo, CV, cover sheet, references)
  • Send the documents as an attachment file (e.g. PDF)

General advice:

  • Your application letter should not contain any grammatical or spelling mistakes.
  • The application letter should fit on one page.
  • If you give a mobile phone number, it should always be possible to reach you on that number.
  • You should give a serious email address, no made-up names (e.g.
  • Your application photo should not be more than 6 months old and should be taken by a professional photographer.
  • Always send your application to a specific person (not to “Dear Sir or Madam”).

Contacts for checking and helping with job application portfolios:

No guarantee can be given that the above information is complete.




Become a supporter

Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion

Find information and become a supporter here.

List of actual supporter (PDF)




Funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg.