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Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion
Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion
Successfully applying for a job – What should an application in Germany look like?
Thursday, 20 April
Thursday, 26 October
Do you know your rights? – What are the working conditions
in Germany?
Thursday, 30 March
Recognition of foreign professions: How does it work and who helps?
Wednesday, 12 July
Naturalisation in Germany
Thursday, 28 September
Fit for the job interview
Thursday, 25 May
Taxes and their explanation
Wednesday, 06 December
Social security: Do you know what health, nursing care, accident, pension and unemployment insurance means?
Thursday, 22 June
oder Telephone +49 7721 697 325-2
The seminars are free and in German for:
from the three administrative districts Rottweil, Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis and Tuttlingen.
Time: 18 till 20 o’clock
Welcome Center
c/o Wirtschaftsförderung Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 18
78052 VS-Villingen
We would explicitly like to point out that your registration is binding (fixed). If you’re not able to attend the seminar, please inform us as early as possible. So we can give the place to another person.
Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion
Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion
Successfully applying for a job – What should an application in Germany look like?
Thursday, 20 April
Thursday, 26 October
Do you know your rights? – What are the working conditions
in Germany?
Thursday, 30 March
Recognition of foreign professions: How does it work and who helps?
Wednesday, 12 July
Naturalisation in Germany
Thursday, 28 September
Fit for the job interview
Thursday, 25 May
Taxes and their explanation
Wednesday, 06 December
Social security: Do you know what health, nursing care, accident, pension and unemployment insurance means?
Thursday, 22 June
oder Telephone +49 7721 697 325-2
The seminars are free and in German for:
from the three administrative districts Rottweil, Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis and Tuttlingen.
Time: 18 till 20 o’clock
Welcome Center
c/o Wirtschaftsförderung Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 18
78052 VS-Villingen
We would explicitly like to point out that your registration is binding (fixed). If you’re not able to attend the seminar, please inform us as early as possible. So we can give the place to another person.
Benefit from services and new offers early and make your contribution to supporting the WelcomeCenter Gewinnerregion
Our mission is to strenghten the business location of Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg and to make its qualities as a place for living, working and doing business more widely known.
Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg mbH
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 18
78052 Villingen-Schwenningen
Phone: +49 (0) 7721 69 73 25-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 7721 69 73 25-9