The bodies of Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg mbH are the shareholders' meeting, the supervisory board and the management. A total of 30 shareholders provide the financing.
The Supervisory Board with a total of 19 members supports and advises the management.
The following towns, municipalities, districts and institutions are currently members of the SBH regional business development organisation: Bad Dürrheim, Blumberg, Bräunlingen, Donaueschingen, Geisingen, Hüfingen, Oberndorf a. N., Rottweil, Schramberg, St. Georgen, Spaichingen, Sulz. a. N., Trossingen, Tuttlingen, Villingen-Schwenningen, Emmingen-Liptingen, Fluorn-Winzeln, Gütenbach, Immendingen, Königsfeld im Schwarzwald, Neuhausen ob Eck, Rietheim-Weilheim, Unterkirnach, Zimmern ob Rottweil, Regionalverband Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, Landkreis Rottweil, Landkreis Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis, Landkreis Tuttlingen, Handwerkskammer Konstanz, Industrie- und Handelskammer Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg.
Members of the
Supervisory Board
Members of the
advisory board
Competence Board
Nomen est omen - the Competence Board pools the expertise of municipal and district economic development agencies, city and business park managers and mayors of smaller municipalities. The board takes on the following tasks: Developing ideas and providing support, advising on planned projects, coordinating with local authorities and making recommendations to decision-making bodies.