Business & Startups

Our enterprises of all sectors are the driving force behind our strong regional economy. We work for you and our region in the areas of skilled labour, commercial space and real estate as well as start-ups and cooperation. Benefit from our services and get to know us.

Alliance for Skilled Labour in Black Forest-Baar-Heuberg

The Alliance for Skilled Labour in Black Forest-Baar-Heuberg (FKA SBH) is your strong partner for securing labour and skilled workers as well as the continuous qualification of your employees in the SBH region. Together with committed alliance partners from various institutions and sectors, we pool our expertise to actively support companies in overcoming current and future challenges on the labour market.

Benefit from a collaboration that specifically addresses the needs of the regional economy.



Private companies, institutions and associations can join the Alliance for Skilled Labour Black Forest-Baar-Heuberg (FKA SBH) and thus actively participate in securing skilled workers for the region.


Do you want to expand or set up your business in our region?
We will be happy to support you in your search for suitable commercial land, co-working spaces or properties - but also in the sale of land.

On our regional Black Forest-Baar-Heuberg page as part of the THE LÄND Baden-Württemberg, you can also benefit from nationwide and international marketing free of charge for advertising your commercial space.



Whether you are looking for commercial land or space, offices or a co-working space, the team at Regional Development Office SBH will be happy to help.


The first step is always the hardest? We don't think so.

In Black Forest-Baar-Heuberg, we offer support throughout all stages of starting your own business. We have been recognised as a start-up-friendly region. Our team and our regional partners will support you on your start-up path.


Gründergarten Black Forest-Baar-Heuberg

Under the name of "Gründergarten SBH", we offer contact to the administrations of the districts and municipalities, to companies in the region and to our chambers, universities, associations and institutions. We support founders from the first business idea through market entry and provide competent contacts for all questions regarding starting up a business.

Services for Start-ups

Exchange ideas at a start-up round table organised by the Wirtschaftsjunioren SBH, get advice on funding, contact us if you are interested in offices, production facilities or co-working space and visit one of our events such as the Innovation Night, which regularly brings together founders, companies and our regional players.

Founders' Stammtisch

Founders' Stammtisch

Funding Advice

Funding Advice

Commercial Space & Land

Commercial Space & Land

Networking Events

Networking Events

Financial Funding Advice

We would be happy to check whether your company is eligible to apply for funding of any kind.

Please complete the checklist for the funding process and send it to us with your enquiry at


Free Regional Marketing Tools

With our regional marketing, we make our location more attractive and more visible to (international) talent. You benefit from free offers such as location infographics, our digital brochure and our innovative social media formats. With contemporary event formats, we offer a wide range of platforms for companies to present themselves.