Services for Districts & Municipalities
Living, residing and working in SBH
76 municipalities, 26 of which are shareholders of our Regional Delevopment Office Ltd. Our cities and towns make up our beautiful region - and the Regional Development Office supports you in finding in finding commercial land or buildings, we promote innovation, and strengthen our labour market. Take advantage of our expertise in the areas of regional marketing, development of commercial land, customised relocation services, and future-oriented start-ups; let us advise you on subsidies and drive sustainable municipal developments forward together with us.
The skilled labour alliance pools regional strengths to jointly ensure that jobs and skilled workers are secured and that employees in SBH are continuously trained. The Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Skilled Labour Alliance is supported by motivated alliance partners from the region who are committed to labour market issues across all sectors.

Private companies, institutions and associations can join the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Skilled Labour Alliance and thus actively participate in securing skilled workers for the region.
Your contact:

Henriette Stanley
Managing Director
Wifög SBH mbH
Telefon: 07721 697325-0
Are you looking for a suitable location for your industrial or commercial property or a brownfield site? Or are you looking for a vacant commercial site or commercial property?
You can advertise your sites and properties free of charge on our Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg region page as a tool of the Baden-Württemberg site database and thus benefit from nationwide and international marketing.

Whether you are looking for commercial space and property, office space or a co-working space:
The team at the business development agency will be happy to help.
The start-ups of today are the SMEs of tomorrow. Do you know any founders in your district or municipality? Feel free to refer them to us - we offer a unique ecosystem for start-ups in our rural area via the SBH start-up garden - it is not for nothing that we have already been recognised as a start-up-friendly region several times.

Gründergarten Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Under the title Gründergarten SBH, we offer contact to you - the administrations of the districts and municipalities, to companies in the region and to chambers of commerce, universities, associations and institutions. We support founders from the development of the business idea through to market entry and provide competent contacts for all questions relating to business start-ups.
Feel free to refer founders to us! In close cooperation with the partners of Gründergarten SBH, we plan exchange formats, advise on funding and help with the search for co-working spaces or production areas. We regularly organise events for founders at Gründergarten SBH, where municipal representatives are also very welcome.

Funding advice

Commercial space & property

Networking events

Founders‘ regulars’ table
Does a company in your area need support? Have the municipal programmes been exhausted? We are happy to check whether companies or businesses can apply for funding. Enquiries can be made using the form at
Under the sign of the pink garden gnome - our regional location marketing
The Black Forest is well known, Baar hardly at all - and wasn't the Heuberg in Austria? With our regional location marketing, we are increasing the appeal of our region both internally and externally. Of course, our businesses and companies, the towns, municipalities and districts of Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg also benefit from this.
Please feel free to contact us!